A campaign’s chances for victory are highly dependent on its credibility and visibility. The Campaign of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) for the acceleration of the birth of the United African States in the decade of the 20s in this century will not be an exception to this time and again proven law in campaigning.

Professor Leonard Jeffries
Political scientist, historian, educator, master-teacher/ administrator and Pan-Africanist.
The political unification of the African States on the continent of Africa and the Caribbean Islands is today a matter of utmost urgency. With the new scramble for Africa well on its way, uniting the African states to stop this clear and present danger of the recolonisation of the African must be a priority for any African person.
This is why I support the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) and will do everything I can for its success. A grassroots coalition of organisations of Africans which is solely focused on campaigning for the acceleration of the political unification of all the African states and a determination to make it happen before the end of the decade of the 20's in this century.
As an African born in the Diaspora, I strongly believe that the unification of the African States will help us find the beginning of a sustainable solution to many of the problems that we are faced with as minorities in our countries of residence.
I urge you to support the Pan African Federalist Movement by joining the committee in you area of residence.
Let's finish what was started by Marcus Garvey and carried on by the likes of Kwame Nkrumah, Barthelemy Boganda, Leopold Sedar Senghor, Cheikh Anta Diop, Malcolm X, and many others!
African must unite now for the good of humanity!
Professor Leonard Jeffries
The role of of the champion is to make the PAMF and its campaign machine more credible and help open doors of opportunities which would be closed to the Movement reluctantly open.
Champions Must:
Not play a highly visible and active political partisan role in their country
Be very well known in the geographic area where they are being recruited
Be highly Respected in the geographic area where they are being recruited
Does not have any controversial baggage that can damage the reputation of the PAFM
Have read the Call and answered at least yes to one of its questions
Be willing, if time allows, to participate in missions for the PAFM
Be willing to promote the PAFM’s campaign when circumstances allow it
Be ready and willing to promote the PAFM in their personal network.
For the Sports and Art Champions, be able and willing to recruit Ambassadors.
The role of the ambassador is to lend their visibility to the PAFM, widen its reach and help open doors of opportunities which would be closed to the PAFM leaders or reluctantly open.
Ambassadors must:
Not play a highly visible and active political partisan role in their country
Be very well known in the geographic area where they are being recruited
Have a significant dedicated following
Have no controversial baggage that can damage the reputation of the PAFM
Have read the Call and answered at least yes to one of its questions
Be willing, if time allows, to participate missions for the promotions and/or visibility of the PAFM
Be willing to promote the PAFM’s campaign when circumstances allow it
Be willing to share PAFM’s Campaign promotion materials in their network
Do you know any person who meets these criteria and might be willing to contribute to the acceleration of the political unification of the African States? If Yes, please click here to help us reach out to them.