“A Pan Africanist is a person who displays a full commitment, demonstrated by their daily action, to the effort to restore the full sovereignty and repair the dignity of black people badly damaged by slavery and all forms of colonialism. The Strategical goal of Pan Africanism is the African Renaissance.” - Fundamentals of the Pan African Federalist Movement
October 26, 2024 - Professor Joomay Ndongo Faye, General Secretary of the International Preparatory Committee of the Pan African Federalist Movement (IPC-PAFM) issues
A warning, not a promise!
“Greetings Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope that this message will find you and your loved ones in peace and good health.
Many people have wondered or expressed their doubt on the wisdom of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM) central Slogan: All for the birth of the United African States by the end of the decade 2020-2030!
This slogan was neither pulled out of a magician's hat nor is the expression of the optimistic wish of an unrealistic dreamer. It is derived from a profound and careful Analysis of today's World Geopolitical Affairs. Please read this note carefully in order to understand what is meant.
The New Scramble for the African Lands in Africa and the Caribbean is today in full Motion. Historically geopolitical reorganizations processes take about a Generation to complete their Course. Which means that if Africans do not find a mean to stop this New Scramble which started in the beginning of the 1990s, we will be recolonized (through means that are even more dangerous than sending armies on our soils. The political instability in Ethiopia is today, the battle ground between the USA, and China and in the Central African Republic between France and Russia are obvious evidence of the battle to carve Africa once again in foreign controlled zones.
As far as the PAFM is Concern ONLY the Political Unification of Our States can Prevent this New Scramble from Complete its Course. So, in a Nutshell, "the United African States by the end of the decade 2020-2030" is not a promise that the PAFM is making but a warning to Africans around the globe.
Some people, not necessarily afro pessimists will argue that this cannot be done because those who have interest in the balkanization of the African States will not let us Africans unite, they have too much to lose. They will cite the examples of Nkrumah and in 1963 and Khadafy in 2007. What those doubters forget or do not factor in is that "a people united cannot be defeated". Both Nkrumah and Khadafy did not put African people at the driver seat of their effort to unite the African States. The PAFM, a grassroots coalition of Africans have learned the lessons taught by the Nkrumah and Khadafy experiences.
We MUST Unite Africa!
If we accept there is no price that is too much to pay for the recovery of our sovereignty and the reparation of our Dignity as Black People!!!
Become a PAFM Organizer not a spectator of Africans’ oppression and exploitation!”