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East Africa.png

Region hii inajumuisha nchi saba ambazo ni Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudani Kusini na Eritrea.

Nyanda za Mashariki ya Afrika ni moja ya mikoa mitatu iliyo katika Koridoni ya Ushindi.  Kamati ya Kimataifa ya Maandalizi (IPC) ya Kongamano la Kwanza la Shirikisho la Pan Afrika inachukulia Mashariki ya Afrika kama mlango wa Ushindi ikishirikiana na mikoa mingine miwili ya Afrika ya Kati na Bahari ya Hindi (CAIO) na Afrika Magharibi (WA).

Jukumu la RCC-EA ni kuunganisha wapangaji wote katika eneo hilo kwa kuhakikisha kwamba nchi zote saba zina Kamati za Taifa za Uratibu (NCCs) zilizopo na zinazoendelea kufanya kazi.  Ushiriki wenye mafanikio katika Kongamano la Kwanza la Shirikisho la Pan Afrika kutoka kwa nchi zote katika Mkoa ni dhamira ya RCC Mashariki Afrika.

Mratibu wa RCC wa sasa ni Sr. Sarah Hasaba kutoka Uganda ambaye anafanya kazi kwa nguvu kuhakikisha kwamba Kamati zote zote katika ngazi za kitaifa na kikanda zimekamilika na zinafanya kazi.

Ijapokuwa wewe ni M-Afrika ambaye anayeishi Mashariki ya Afrika na unataka kushiriki katika kampeni ya umoja wa kisiasa wa Mataifa Huru ya Bara la Afrika na Visiwa vya Karibi ambavyo vinakaliwa hasa na Wafrika, tafadhali tuma ujumbe kwa viongozi wa RCC-Mashariki ya Afrika. Tutashukuru pia ikiwa utaweza kutuunganisha na mtu yeyote anayekaa Ulaya ambaye anaelea hisia sawa za dharura ya umoja wa kisiasa wa Mataifa ya Afrika.


Sarah Hasaba - Mratibu;

Barua pepe:

Suleiman Kiula - Naibu Mratibu;

Barua pepe:

Lewis Maganga - Katibu Mkuu;

Barua pepe:

The East African Region is one of the three regions situated in the Corridor to Victory. 

The International Preparatory Committee (IPC) of the First Pan African Federalist Congress considers East Africa as a gateway to the Victory Lane alongside two other regions : Central Africa and Indian Ocean (CAIO) and West Africa (WA).


The role of the RCC-EA is to unite all the people in the region by ensuring that all the seven countries have existing and functional National Coordinating Committees (NCCs). The successful participation in the First Pan African Federalist Congress by all the countries in the Region is the mission of the RCC East Africa.

The current RCC Coordinator is Sr. Sarah Hasaba from Uganda who is vigorously working to make sure that all Committees both at the national and regional levels are complete and are functional.​If you are an African living in East Africa and want to take part in the campaign for the political unification of the Independent States of the African Continent and the Caribbean Islands mainly populated by Africans, please send a message to the leaders of the RCC- East Africa. We would also be grateful if you could put us in touch with anyone living in Europe who is driven by the same feeling about the urgency of the political unification of African States.​


Contact: Sarah Hasaba - Coordinator Email:

Sarah Hasaba  photo.jpg

Sarah Hasaba

Regional Coordinator

Emma Neyerere Photo.jpeg

Emma Nyerere

Deputy Coordinator


Marwa Jalil

General Secretary



Research & Strategy


Kuunganisha Afrika na Waafrika duniani kote



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Harakati ya Shirikisho la Panafricain

Tukio la Modibo Keita

BP E 214 Bamako – MALI

Magharibi ya Afrika

+1(609) 216-6933

© 2022 PAFM-IPC


 Pata Habari na Sasisho za Karibuni

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